
Roma Hindu Beliefs

ROMA OLD BELIEFS (more detailed + what I found in recent times from among the narrations of the elders)

ROMA OLD BELIEFS (more detailed + what I found in recent times from among the narrations of the elders) DEVEL/DEVLA/DEL/DEVL/DEIL This word simply means "God". But Romani views of this entity were originally (and partly still are) same like of the Param Brahman, also called Nirguna Brahman, i.e. entity which is beyond all descriptions and conceptualisations, it is described as a formlessness that eternally pervades everything, everywhere in the universe and what is beyond, and is unchangeable. Closest Christian approximation to this concept are the Father or yet better the Holy Ghost, but it seems that the Roma never understood the difference between the Father and the Holy Ghost, which simply shows that it was beyond Romani concepts and that we were Christianised. But also this word may be used for any personalised God, as we back in the Indian Subcontinent either followed only one sect within Dharma or simply over time came simplification with losing concepts (also some of

Hindu Dharma (Hinduismus) a Věda - Lze vytvořit syntézu?

Otázka a odpověď na začátek: Později toto více rozebereme Je možné vůbec vytvořit syntézu hinduismu a vědy? Ano, je možné vytvořit syntézu mezi vědou a hinduismem, pokud je hinduismus interpretován spíše jako filozofický a metaforický systém než jako doslovné náboženství založené na nevyvratitelných dogmatech. Hinduistické myšlení je velmi flexibilní a otevřené různým interpretacím, což umožňuje přístup, který se přibližuje vědeckému světonázoru. Menší úvod ke kapitole 1: Podle hinduismu, všechny personifikované božstva (manifestace) a jejich avatary (vtělení) jsou součást jednoho, a to Param Brahman, tedy Nejvyšší Reality. Můžeme i toto spojit s vědou? Ano, tento koncept může být zařazen do syntézy hinduismu a vědy. Zde je více informací:   KAPITOLA 1 1. Param Brahman jako nejvyšší realita Param Brahman je v hinduismu považován za základní a neomezenou realitu, z níž vše pochází a do níž se vše vrací. Vědecký přístup k vesmíru také vidí základní propojení všeho, ať už prostřednictvím

The Leeds Riots - From the Romani perspective

  How it started? The collage of forced removal of children from a family and pictures from the riots. The govt takes Roma children out of their families in city of Leeds. A family with 5 children had a toddler admitted in hospital with head injuries. Social Services decided immediately to take over all 5 children while the parents were away working. So, the cause was only because the toddler had some injuries, which can happen, because toddlers often fall or get injured by accident. Remember, the children when they were stolen by the Police were fighting back. The Police had to investigate if really happened something bad in that family, if there was some child abuse, before taking any action. But no, the British Police like a Nazi Gestapo stole the kids out by force! Some additional context 11 thousands Romani children were removed from the families by the Social Services in the United Kingdom between 2022-2023, says SRHMT London's leader activist D. Abraham on her Facebook a

The Roma and Sinti community & the LGBT Propaganda

 Introduction: I must tell that I am not your typical "homophobe" in the Western point of the view, as I usually don't care about what agreeing adults are doing behind the closed doors. But, I am against the LGBT Propaganda which is promoting ideas of hundreds of genders to our societies, including our children, ignoring the genetical and anatomical facts. Also, I am against indoctrination of our children and youth with ideas that one belongs to the gender which one chooses or what is worse, is told to be, because for example a boy is playing with dolls or a girl is playing with cars. If some "drag queen" told to me in the Kindergarten that I am a girl (note: I am genetically & anatomatically male) just because I played with the dolls, I would be very confused. Also, original LGBT Movement was about equal rights for the Lesbians, Gays, Bisexual and Trans, nowadays it changed to total non-sense which is trying to demand everyone to just blindly follow their i

May 16th - The International Romani Resistance Day

Today, on May 16th, we commemorate the Romani Uprising in Auschwitz-Birkenau in the so-called "Das Zigeunerfamilienlager" (or in English "The Gypsy Families Camp") when about 6,500 prisoners (among whom were men, women, children and elderly) from Roma and Sinti communities stood up against the SS who came on May 16th 1944 to kill them, after there was a decision made to liquidate the "Gypsy Camp". The brave Roma and Sinti barricaded and armed themselves with handcuffs, knives, shovels and stones. This was a sole uprising of the people imprisoned in Auschwitz-Birkenau, even though it ended bad as (almost) all of the prisoners were killed. This is written in a history as a bravery of the Roma and Sinti People. Therefore, May 16th is a day of the Romani Resistance on an international scale.

More about the Romani Traditions & Social Structure

SOCIAL STRUCTURE (example from original social structure from among the Roma in Slovakia): Ethnicity/Nation: Roma Tribe: Servika/Kherutna/Slovačika Roma (I'll later refer to this tribe as 'Servika Roma' only, as it is oldest name of this tribe) Clan: Clans within a tribe, very similar to Indian Gotra Caste (we don't use this word): there are often various castes within a tribe, in India it is known as a  Jāti. The castes among the Roma are divided into the Ritually Clean and Ritually Unclean castes. NOTE:  Social structure within other Romani tribes (including the tribes which live in other countries than Slovakia) looks little bit differently, as often other tribes are more like castes and have elevated importance of clans. For example the Lovári tribe who belong to the Vlax Roma super-tribe has a lot clans but no castes as they are a caste themselves, these clans have various level of importance and prestige. The Lovári are the Traders who traditionally were tradin