
Roma Hindu Beliefs

ROMA OLD BELIEFS (more detailed + what I found in recent times from among the narrations of the elders)

ROMA OLD BELIEFS (more detailed + what I found in recent times from among the narrations of the elders) DEVEL/DEVLA/DEL/DEVL/DEIL This word simply means "God". But Romani views of this entity were originally (and partly still are) same like of the Param Brahman, also called Nirguna Brahman, i.e. entity which is beyond all descriptions and conceptualisations, it is described as a formlessness that eternally pervades everything, everywhere in the universe and what is beyond, and is unchangeable. Closest Christian approximation to this concept are the Father or yet better the Holy Ghost, but it seems that the Roma never understood the difference between the Father and the Holy Ghost, which simply shows that it was beyond Romani concepts and that we were Christianised. But also this word may be used for any personalised God, as we back in the Indian Subcontinent either followed only one sect within Dharma or simply over time came simplification with losing concepts (also some of ...

The Roma & the origins of our ethnic name - the Roma

 Introduction As I mentioned in earlier article  History of the Ḍom People (ancestors of the Roma) within the South Asia (and partly beyond)   our ethnic name, the Roma, comes from the  Ḍom and the Ḍom(a) are connected to the drumming nomadic community , etymology of that caste name comes from the Dravidian origins - the ṭamaṭama (where ṭ reads close to Indo-Aryan Ḍ, it means retroflexed R) and ṭamaṭama is a type of drum "tomtom" . Why ethnic name Roma comes from Ḍom(a) & who are the Ḍom(a) ? The  Ḍom(a) are the nomadic group , the Ḍom(a) is same as the case of the Roma in Europe a umbrella ethnic term, which in fact contains various Jatis (castes) ranging from ritually clean Śudra (almost Vaish-like Varna), via the ritually unclean Śudra to straight-up Dalits (ritually unclean untouchables). The Ḍom(a) are often misunderstood by the Gora (Whites) and by the Indians (or by other South Asians as a whole), where they (non- Ḍoma) claim that all the Ḍom ...

Romani Beliefs - Jesus, Kalki and lots more

Introduction   As I am arguing with people, especially among the Roma who strongly believe the beliefs which were taught to them by the Non-Roma, I must make this post, yet further reflecting current Romani beliefs within Christianity and compare them yet more with the Dharmic beliefs. These contemporary beliefs are based on real-life experiences, Paramisa (tale stories) and yet more, as well I will provide you with the beliefs of the Church (Catholic in particular, as I am from a country with Catholic majority - if you don't count "Somethingists", Believers without organisation and hard-die Atheists). Jesus Christ & Christian Teachings + logic behind my claim In one group on the Social Platform - Facebook I stated that " Jesus died 2000 years ago ", which is true, if we follow Christian Christologist theological doctrine; Hypostatic Union (which is about the dual nature of Jesus Christ), i.e. Jesus Christ being both fully human and fully divine. In Christi...

The AASI Population & The Roma People

  Who were the AASI? The AASI ( Ancient Ancestral South Indians ) represent a hypothetical ancestral population in India , inferred from genetic studies. They are considered the original hunter-gatherer inhabitants of the Indian subcontinent , and their lineage predates the arrival of agriculturalists and pastoralists from other regions , such as the Iranian Plateau and Central Asia. In other words; The AASI likely descended from populations that migrated out of Africa and reached South Asia tens of thousands of years ago, possibly as early as 50,000–70,000 years ago. They were primarily hunter-gatherers and lived in the Indian subcontinent long before the development of agriculture. Genetically, they were distinct from other major ancestral populations of India, such as those associated with Neolithic Iranian farmers and the Steppe Pastoralists (i.e. the Aryans). The AASI are often linked to the Neolithic & Mesolithic (in fact older, i.e. Paleolithic) populations found i...

Hindu Dharma (Hinduismus) a Věda - Lze vytvořit syntézu?

Otázka a odpověď na začátek: Později toto více rozebereme Je možné vůbec vytvořit syntézu hinduismu a vědy? Ano, je možné vytvořit syntézu mezi vědou a hinduismem, pokud je hinduismus interpretován spíše jako filozofický a metaforický systém než jako doslovné náboženství založené na nevyvratitelných dogmatech. Hinduistické myšlení je velmi flexibilní a otevřené různým interpretacím, což umožňuje přístup, který se přibližuje vědeckému světonázoru. Menší úvod ke kapitole 1: Podle hinduismu, všechny personifikované božstva (manifestace) a jejich avatary (vtělení) jsou součást jednoho, a to Param Brahman, tedy Nejvyšší Reality. Můžeme i toto spojit s vědou? Ano, tento koncept může být zařazen do syntézy hinduismu a vědy. Zde je více informací:   KAPITOLA 1 1. Param Brahman jako nejvyšší realita Param Brahman je v hinduismu považován za základní a neomezenou realitu, z níž vše pochází a do níž se vše vrací. Vědecký přístup k vesmíru také vidí základní propojení všeho, ať už prostřednict...

The Leeds Riots - From the Romani perspective

  How it started? The collage of forced removal of children from a family and pictures from the riots. The govt takes Roma children out of their families in city of Leeds. A family with 5 children had a toddler admitted in hospital with head injuries. Social Services decided immediately to take over all 5 children while the parents were away working. So, the cause was only because the toddler had some injuries, which can happen, because toddlers often fall or get injured by accident. Remember, the children when they were stolen by the Police were fighting back. The Police had to investigate if really happened something bad in that family, if there was some child abuse, before taking any action. But no, the British Police like a Nazi Gestapo stole the kids out by force! Some additional context 11 thousands Romani children were removed from the families by the Social Services in the United Kingdom between 2022-2023, says SRHMT London's leader activist D. Abraham on her Facebook a...