Pajibano tribe - the origin of the Servika/Slovačika Roma and the Ungrika Roma

The origin of the Servika Roma and Ungrika Roma --- or how the Vlax Roma use to call us all "Romungre".

Who are the "Romungre" in general?
Also known as Hungarian Roma are the ethnic group living in the Hungarian language area and Slovakia. Their original language are various dialects of the Carpathian Romani. Their traditional occupations: musicians, nailers, horseshoes, adobe throwers...
Ungrika Roma or Magyarcigányok = Hungarian Roma/"Gypsies"
Servika Roma = Serbian Roma, nowadays mostly known as Slovačika Roma = Slovakian Roma
Both used to name themselves as Kherutne Roma = Roma with the houses in contrast with the nomadic Vlaxs who came to Hungary later. Even all Romungre used to be nomadic before forceful settlement of the Roma directed by the Austria-Hungary.
Now we will go back to the history.
Originally the ancestors of the Ungrika Roma and Servika Roma were called the Pajibano which meant "those who wander" or "wanderers" or "migrant". Probably by the Roma who already lived in Hungary (and Slovakia).
The origin of the Pajibano also can be traced to the Baibano (this is only a theory i saw) and Baibanos used to be a part of Byzantine Army, which settled down in Serbia and Romanian Banat, also around the Iron Gates, which makes sense since we lived there in both of these localities and later we were drafted to Ottoman Army and came with the Ottomans to Hungary in 17th Century.
We probably share a common origin with the Arli from southern Serbia, who are settled-down Roma for over 700 years and with the Vlax Džambazi who used to be nomadic and lived from Romanian Banat to Macedonia and nowadays are living in southern Serbia and northern Macedonia, they speak southern variety of Vlax dialects and are sub-group of the wider Gurbet umbrella of "Gypsy" tribes.
(Note: There is Asian Ghorbati tribe called Janbaz who used to be bodyguards of the Mughal shahs/emperors. And Gurbet/Ghorbat = "tourist", "alien", "tramp", "wanderer", "stranger" or "migrant")
When the Pajibano arrived to the Hungary they probably in some point of history mixed with the Roma who already lived in the lands of Hungary. Most-probably after forced settlement and the legacy of original Romani population seem to be people with surnames like Džugi, who are often darker than people with Hungarian or Rusyn surnames.
(Note: Džugi may correlate with the term Jogi used in South Asia for the ascetic Hindu persons who are devotees of the God and renounce worldly engagements. Nowadays also Jogi is used as a slur for Gypsy-like groups in Pakistan and partly in India, meaning something like beggar).
