The beliefs of the Roma & Sinti - summarised 2

Sara la Kali = Sharika Devi = incarnation of goddess Durga in Kashmir

In France there is Sara la Kali (probably Christianised Kashmiri version of goddess Sharika Devi = Durga), Catholic Church made her a saint.
The believers go into the sea and immerse there every year to get rid of their sins and bad deeds in the sea, which becomes holy because they bring there the statue of Sara la Kali.

Note: It´s possible that Sara Kali = goddess Kali
Old Prayer ways of the Roma & Sinti
(Based on historical accounts from whole Europe, especially northern)

Prayer to Devla (Hindu Param Brahman = Absolute Reality) was taken as private conversation between the believer with Devla and it still somewhat exists till nowadays.

Prayer to the Sun (Kham or Khamoro) was very common among the Roma in Russia, Ukraine and Moldova and consisted of calls to the Sun, asking something from the Sun and bowing to the Sun.

Prayer to the Tree (very similar to India's Dharkar tribe's way), the person which intended to pray took water into the bucket (or anything else where can be put water) and prayed to the Tree and poured water on that Tree and washed self after prayer in that water.

Similarly like with the Tree was prayer done to the Moon (Čhon).

Notes: The Sun, the Tree and the Moon were used as personified Devla's manifestations and later with Christianisation process of the Roma & Sinti they were used as icons representing Jesus.)

Also there was and in some families still is the tradition of the Shrine within the house in the corner where we put the icons (holy images), holy statues, religious books and photos of the ancestors and we pray there.
Karmic laws belief

Almost all Roma (& Sinti) belief that every deed/act will bring you reward in this World or in Afterlife.
Spirits, Revenants & Vampires

The Roma belief in the Spirits (Necuxa) which can bring you suffering, in extreme cases the death or at least bad luck.
The origin of the Spirit is often demonic.
And one can get rid of them by the ancient Romani exorcism ways or folklore's healing process.

The Revenants (Múľe) are often deceased family members, friends or in some cases totally unknown people.
They often can bring suffering to the person due to the fact that they don't approve deeds of the members of their family (often their children or the grandchildren), in some extreme cases they can cause the death.
The way to get rid of them is to satisfy the Múľo either with the deed or with the sacrifice of something the Revenant liked when he/she was alive. Or with the Romani exorcism, if the Revenant is some total stranger or very dangerous.

The Spirits and the Revenants may change their looks.

The belief into Vampires was incorporated to the Romani beliefs in the Balkans.
Exist two versions of the Vampires

First is with only one heart, this Vampire is able to active only at the night, as the Sun can harm him or her.
Decond is with two hearts, this Vampire is able to be active both, day and night and the Sun is not harmful to him or her.
The Frogs

The Frogs were (and in some communities still are) in the Romani traditional beliefs representatives of something evil and out of the cosmic harmony.

They were for the Roma some archetype of the Christian Satan.

In Awadhi (and in general all languages of India around the Ganges River) is the Frog named Bang.
But in Romani language the word Beng = Satan, but originally also in Romani language it used to be Frog.
