The problems which the communities of the Roma & Sinti are facing

 From outside of the communities:


This includes;

- Verbal attacks & threats, including calls for sending the "Gypsies to the Gas chambers" or calling the Roma "black mouths.

- Physical attacks, including arson attacks or Policemen violence on the Roma.

- Genocide, including attacks on the Roma communities by the Para-Military or Terrorist groups whose aim is to eradicate the Roma in the territories under their realm. Many times also happened sterilisation done by the State on the Roma, when Romani women were sterilised without any information or against their will.

- Institutional Racism, it is done by the state institutions, this includes sending automatically all Roma children to the Special School (which is for mentally or physically retarded children), as well as Police-profiling based on race.

Under the Institutional Racism also belong -> Disadvantage on getting Work (many Employers reject Roma to become their Employees), as well worse Health Care quality.

From outside of the communities & (partly) from within the communities:


European Christians changed their relationship to the Roma from the efforts to destroy the Roma physically (which included to call the Roma Heretics or even "Satan's Children", as well Slavery done by the Orthodox Church in Romania or state-Slavery in Britain and France) in Medieval Times to destruction of their Culture & Cultural Heritage since 19th Century. If I don't count what was happening in times of the World War 2, when the Axis tried to kill all the Roma in Europe, where some of the people still were influenced with Christian prejudices towards the Roma.

I must to say, that main target of the Christian Missionaries are the Roma who historically adopted some form of Christianity before. But remain to believe their own way, which is against dogmatic teachings of the Church (or Churches).

The aim of the Christian Missionaries is to gain a Trust from the targeted Roma community, they often pretend to be amazed with the Romani Culture or Talents, whenever they gain Trust, they start telling the community members how wrong is what they do in the field of Traditional Romani Believes, read to them from Bible and they're trying to put Fear into the Hearts of the Roma, that God will come to Punish them. As the Roma are always afraid of the God's wrath they snap and adopt all views presented by the Missionaries. They even often destroy everything which is not good in the eyes of these Missionaries. For example one targeted community was told by the Missionaries that Holy Icons come from Satan, so they'd burn them.

Some Missionaries also choose some Financial help to the targeted Communities. Modus Operandi is similar as in India, where are such Missionaries called Rice-Bags.

Nowadays Missionary-work is often done by the Roma themselves who were "put on tracks" before. They often get money from their Church-masters to Convert more Roma.

Muslims historically had different relationships with the Roma.

It started with a fight, when the ancestors of the Roma fought in various Armies against the Muslim invaders. Be it in Sassanide Empire, Armenia, Georgia, Byzantine Empire or even some later migration waves in Indian Subcontinent, as well Zott ("Gypsy") uprising in nowadays Iraq under the Muslim realm of Abbasides.

Later, in times of the fall of the Byzantine Empire, the Roma moved deeper to Europe, as the Ottoman Turks were going deeper to Europe.

The Roma who remained in the realm of the Ottomans often converted to Islam, but they were still taxed higher than the Non-Roma Muslims, because the Imams (Muslim Clerics) seen them as "Mild Muslims". In general, the Ottomans used the Roma as Weapon-Makers and Military Musicians, including the Non-Muslim Roma. Some of the Roma were drafted into Ottoman Military as part of Devshirme (Blood Tax, when a son of Non-Muslim was taken out from the Family and raised as a Muslim and Turk).

Nowadays, the Muslim Roma are often under strong Turkification effort, as well some Extremist Muslim groups are trying to get them on their side. In Bulgaria were cases where some of those Roma converted to Wahhabi version of Islam and started calls for Islamic State-like Caliphate in the Balkans. Some of them were producing bombs and many of them joined ISIL.

There is also (same as among Christian Roma) to spread infection of sort of "Pure Islam" without original Romani Traditions. We often see posts on social media in Balkan Romani dialects saying "Are you a Muslim? So don't celebrate Erdelezi." (this was an example, there is more examples starting with "Are you a Muslim?" or "Do you believe in Allah's word?").

Both these trends I consider as unprecedented attacks on our Romani Culture.

From within the communities:

We often see among the Roma people some weird people who claim that the Roma are;


Aramean or Assyrian



Who and why does claims these things?

Jewish and Aramean/Assyrian origin is often claimed by the individuals who are either;

Christian Fanatics -> Biggest part

Thinking that India & Indian Culture is inferior -> Big part

Converts to Judaism -> Very small part

Many of them use Y-DNA as their proof, claiming that J2 (and its various subclades) is only Jewish/Aramean/Assyrian.

Many of them also use to claim that Indian Jewish communities they cluster with on Autosomal DNA results prove that they're Jewish, while they can't understand that most of the Genetical origins of those population is Indic with some Western-shift, and this Western-shift is making them closest to the Roma, as the Roma are also West-shifted, due to admixture from West Asia & Europe. Other very genetically close Indic groups include the Jatts and Ror, which they often (on purpose) ignore.

Another example on which they build their lies is that the Romani language comes from the Aramean or Assyrian (depends on their claim). The Aramean is often mentioned because of Biblical words by Christ on the Cross, where he says "Eloi, Eloi lema sabachthani?" which they claim is in Romani. Of course it is not Romani verse, as it is in Semitic language.

Some of the claimers of the Jewish/Aramean origin of the Roma go very far, for example one woman from the Czech Republic named Věra Medzanská (she calls herself "Levi") claimed these things -> "Romani Y-DNA H1a has chromosomes which are Jewish", "Romani culture is fully Jewish, based on Levite laws", "Romani music from the Balkans is of Jewish origins", "Aramean was 100% same as Romani", "Word Peršo in Romani comes from Jewish word Parishat", "The Roma are Jewish because they're called Tzoanim in Hebrew" and "The Roma are the true Jews, while the Jews in Israel are fake".

All Věra Medzanská's claims were proven fake because:

There are not Chromosomes on Y-DNA, as Y-DNA is only one Chromosome which refers to Gender (so, it is just like a genetical surname). Total number of Chromosomes is 46 among Humans in 23 pairs. All 23 pairs of Chromosomes are tested with the Autosomal DNA test, which among the Roma proves Indic origins.

Romani Culture is not Jewish and is not based on Levite laws. The Romani Culture is a blend of Cultures, with main Indic components, with some other Cultural things adopted by the Roma from people who they met or had influence onto them.

Balkan Romani music is not of Jewish origins, as all Romani music is influenced from a locality where the Roma live for a long time. The Jews have it similar.

Aramean language was not same as Romani. Romani is based on Sanskrit and Prakrits, which were Indo-Aryan languages. In fact Romani is last surviving Prakrit. While Areamean belong to the Levantine Semitic, and is very similar to Hebrew or Assyrian.

Word Peršo (First) in Romani (to be exact, in Eastern Slovak Romani) is a loanword from Rusyn language, i.e. from a language of Slavic origins.

Tznoa in Hebrew refers to the movement/motion, or simply migration, any migration, also the Jews in times of Biblical Exodus gathered in the place from which they were moving out of Egypt, they called it "place of wander". Tzoanim (Hebrew name for the Roma) simply means "a group which moves", or in other words "Wanderers".

The Roma are not Jewish, if they're not believing in Judaism. In fact, there are some Roma, who are Jewish by Faith, but it is a small community. The Jews in Israel are true Jews, if the follow Judaism.

Miss Medzanská (and some other advocates for Jewish origin of the Roma) also claim(ed) that the Roma are Samaritan because there was in one translation of the Bible is "Romatha" mentioned, while we all know it is "Ramathaim", with long name "HaRamathaim-Tzophim" which means in Hebrew "Two Heights", as "Ramah" in Hebrew means "Height", this over time changed to Aram (as the Arameans came from the mountains of nowadays Syria, and "Ramathés" in Christ's times. Simply, it has no connection to the Roma.

The claimers of Egyptian origins often focus on the fact that the Roma who went further into Europe claimed they came from Egypt. The claim was not a lie, but it was not Egypt in Africa, it was so called Little Egypt, where was first Romani dweller-place in the Byzantine Empire and the Little Egypt was located eastward from city of Constantinople (nowadays probably a part of Istanbul). Later the Roma after moving to Mainland Greece created Tent Settlements to which they often referred as "Little Egypt". Many of those who claim the Egyptian origins of the Roma often use outdated books/texts written by the White-Europeans, who didn't understand what "Egypt" the Roma were referring to.

A lot of those who claim the Egyptian origins of the Roma also claim that the Roma are remaining Jews who didn't left Egypt in times of Biblical Exodus, which I mentioned before. Which simply lacks proofs.

Another group (a very small group) claims that the Roma are Scythian.

Well, they may not be totally wrong, as the Scytho-Sarmatian groups went to the Indian Subcontinent before the ancestors of the Roma moved out. But, there is not much proofs of fully Scythian origins.

Indeed, admixture may happened, the question is when and how. We know about the Indo-Scythians, we also know that the Roma on their way out of India went to nowadays Tajikistan. But other details remain mystery. Still, the Roma are not Scythian per se.
