The Leeds Riots - From the Romani perspective

 How it started?

The collage of forced removal of children from a family and pictures from the riots.

The govt takes Roma children out of their families in city of Leeds. A family with 5 children had a toddler admitted in hospital with head injuries. Social Services decided immediately to take over all 5 children while the parents were away working.

So, the cause was only because the toddler had some injuries, which can happen, because toddlers often fall or get injured by accident. Remember, the children when they were stolen by the Police were fighting back. The Police had to investigate if really happened something bad in that family, if there was some child abuse, before taking any action. But no, the British Police like a Nazi Gestapo stole the kids out by force!

Some additional context

11 thousands Romani children were removed from the families by the Social Services in the United Kingdom between 2022-2023, says SRHMT London's leader activist D. Abraham on her Facebook account. According to D. Abraham, also the adoptions of the Romani children rose by 100%.

This can prove that there was an intentional targeting of the Roma community done by the British Social Services, which reminds me of forced removals of the Romani children by the governments throughout the history as the means to assimilate the Roma and destroy the Romani culture & language. 

To the forced removals of children from the families are the Roma very sensitive and are ready to fight back. This is also why in some communities the school is also associated with attempts to take out the children and raise them differently than the family wants.

More information about the Leeds Riots & my opinions

The Leeds Riots are a culmination of the activities made by the British Social Services.

There were the attempts done by the Islamists to hijack the Leeds Riots, the Islamists seem to be the ones who were pushing it to more violent form of the Protest.

There were some not so cool events during the Leeds Riots, including burning the Bus.

Destroying the services, infrastructure and small-business is not the way, it destroys the community as a whole. The enemy is the Police, which behaves as Gestapo!


The British Police is guilty, the Protest done by the Roma community has a noble cause.

The British Social Services are targeting the Roma communities quite frequently, many cases were proven wrong and illicit aimed to destroy the Romani identity in the youngest generation! The British Social Services are attempting to destroy the Romani Family Values, where the Children are seen as a gift from God and a Strength of the Family and the British Police is the complice to these unlawful activities done by the Social Services!

I am not surprised that the Riots may turn Violent! The Children were stolen by the Force & the Roma Community is fighting back!

I don't agree with Islamist attempts to hijack the Riots & with damage to the non-police targets.
