The Roma and Sinti community & the LGBT Propaganda


I must tell that I am not your typical "homophobe" in the Western point of the view, as I usually don't care about what agreeing adults are doing behind the closed doors. But, I am against the LGBT Propaganda which is promoting ideas of hundreds of genders to our societies, including our children, ignoring the genetical and anatomical facts.

Also, I am against indoctrination of our children and youth with ideas that one belongs to the gender which one chooses or what is worse, is told to be, because for example a boy is playing with dolls or a girl is playing with cars. If some "drag queen" told to me in the Kindergarten that I am a girl (note: I am genetically & anatomatically male) just because I played with the dolls, I would be very confused.

Also, original LGBT Movement was about equal rights for the Lesbians, Gays, Bisexual and Trans, nowadays it changed to total non-sense which is trying to demand everyone to just blindly follow their ideas about genders. And nowadays this now called "LGBTQIAPN+" (yes, you see it right) Movement or its parts are trying to normalise pedophilia.

Traditional Romani viewpoint of the Gays and Transvestites:

Now, I am getting to the point which makes me "homophobic" from the viewpoint of the Liberals and promoters of the LGBTQIAPN+ ideas.

Traditionally among the Roma is seen Gay (in case for women Lesbian) activity as a sign that one who is performing it is out of the Cosmic Balance, i.e. these people are doing something morally bad and ritually unclean, which makes them ritually unclean to the people in contact with them, i.e. they became Degeš (ritually unclean, outcasted person, + agents of ritual pollution). This is why even the family is distancing themselves from such a person, as some more traditional Romani tribes can't even sit down by same table with such a person, as they'll get ritually polluted from them.

For transvestites we simply have a view that a man wears male clothing, which consists from the trousers, shirt and hat. And a woman wear female clothing, which consists from the skirt, blouse and scarf. This differences in clothing are also in our proverbs and come directly from the Indian Subcontinent. Simply the "čajachlop" (Eastern Slovakian term for a man who wears female clothing) is seen as something similar to the Gay, thus ritually unclean. Of course for women, nowadays they (less traditional) wear for example female's leggings, instead of the skirt, but it´s still feminine clothing.

I am just stating facts, as a person who is traditionalist in the terms of the Rom(ani)pen/Romimo, I do follow it too. This doesn't make me "homophobic", this is about preservation of our culture and everyone who says differently is attacking our cultural norms.

Who is attacking the Rom(ani)pen?

In general the NGOs paid from George Soros, the European Union, the United States and the LGBTQIAPN+ Movement.

This includes paid individuals of the Roma origins who are mostly paid via Soros's NGOs or the European Union's Romani Rights Activists. Note: The Romani Rights Activism is okay, I also belong to it, but I will never propagate something against our Rom(ani)pen.

My problem with the European Roma Rights Centre:

I must mention that I was following the ERRC on Instagram, where I sometimes interacted. Once they posted this (photo below) and I reacted that they're trying to put some fake Anti-Romani Culture narratives, plus that they made our flag ritually unclean (disgraced our flag).

The LGBT colours on the Romani Flag - Posted by the ERRC

In this post the ERRC uses International Holocaust Remembrance Day as a tool to again use it to propagate LGBTQ movement

In this post the ERRC attacks traditional Romani family values and pushes its LGBT narratives

Another ERRC's post where the ERRC tries to push LGBTQ+ narratives among the Roma

In this ERRC's post the ERRC tries to push Trans narrative on Trans Visibility Day

And here we see another ERRC's post pushing LGBTQ narratives

And in this post the ERRC again desecrates our flag & calls everyone to take a part in "Gay" Pride Marches

There were more posts (including videos) posted by the ERRC on Social Media which tried to push LGBTQIAPN+ narratives. I am not willing to show here everything.
The truth is that the ERRC is attacking Traditional Romani Family Values and a way of life, even it calls itself "European Roma Rights Centre" and claims to be "Roma-led international law organisation, fighting antigypsyism, taking racists to court.". We know that it is not truth, as well we know that it takes money from George Soros & the European Union.
